
Smart your tech stack

Private. Secure. Fully controlled by you. Technical stack.

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Why us ?

We are distributed company so have the best DevOps in the world to work for you.
The stack is yours, You can migrate, change, update upgrade based on your needs, and we are here to help you to achieve it in a fraction of the price

  • We are helping startups to choose and use the best technical stack for their needs.
  • Our team test in real life situations different technical stacks so we can recommend the best one for you.
  • We belive in open source and use open source tools to give you the best experiance and to keep your private data private.

Why to order now

A limited time discount

You can start as low as 50$ per month for a startup up to 15 employees

A limited time free DevOps consulting meeting

Email consulting without limitation

Do you have a free plan ?

There are many freemium solutions on the internet.
When you choose a freemium solution,
- You'll pay much more in the long run - vendort lock
- You are the product - your data is not yours anymore.

  • When you choose commercial solutions that you cannot control your data.
    it is out there to scan, analyze, sell and use.
  • We give you the stack, and the data is 100% yours.
  • We are fully GDPR compliance.

Starter pack service

For only $70 $50
* domain included

Add to cart

Website, Blog, APP server, Git, Email
Your own private, fully managed servers


WordPress or Jekyll blog, Static website, APP server Node.js, Python flask, and more.

  • Auto deploy from repo to Website
  • 1TB Bandwidth
  • 20GB Storage
  • No ads
  • Free cancelation
  • Your servers


Git management server.

  • Unlimited public repositories
  • Unlimited private repositories
  • Team access controls
  • Issues and bug tracking
  • Your servers

Email server

Spam filtering, Greylisting, Backups, TLS (SSL) certificates.
Modern mail protocols (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC) Latest security best practices, including opportunistic TLS, strong ciphers, and HSTS.

  • 15 users
  • Not extra cost
  • Monthly updates
  • No ad-tracking in you emails


All you communication needs in one dedicated solution

  • Organized conversations in teams and channels
  • Fully searchable message history
  • 1-on-1 and group messaging
  • Voice, video, and screen sharing
  • File, image, and link sharing
  • Emoji and rich Markdown formatting
  • Multi-language support
  • Custom desktop, email, and mobile notifications
  • Keyword mention alerts
  • Free cancelation

Contact Us

Got a question? We'd love to hear from you. Send us a message and we'll respond as soon as possible.